Selects Launcher items such as applications, scripts, preferences files and URLs to be appended to this menu. A maximum of 200 items may be added. The Launcher responds only when PPPop is used to open or close a PPP link. Use this setting if you do not want the Launcher to respond when the link is opened or closed by an application other than PPPop. The Launcher responds only when PPPop is used to open or close a PPP link. Currently, the Launcher will respond when any application opens or closes a link. Ignores the ‘Auto Open’ and ‘Auto Kill Flags’. Launcher items will not automatically open or be killed. Hint: You can still operate them as a group by selecting “Launch ‘Auto Open’ Items” or “Kill ‘Auto Kill’ Items” from the Launcher menu. The Launcher is now active. Kills all Launcher items which have the ‘Auto Kill Flag’ set. Does not close a PPP link. Opens all Launcher items which have the ‘Auto Open Flag’ set. Does not open a PPP link first. Launcher menu Disabled, because your System does not support Apple Events. Launcher menu Launchs applications, scripts, preferences files, URLs, and others from within PPPop.